Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday night

As this day comes to an end, I just sit here and wonder. We were prepared and ready for little kids. What we got were 35 total with 25 of them being high schoolers and one was 21 years old. Every one worked well. Some of the team may have been just a little shocked. The day started with a lot of running around and buying items we needed. Several of the team went with Mark Jacoben to give out flyer's door to door. This was a lot different from giving out flyer's back home. When we were getting ready to go back to the hotel, Chuck got a phone call that Mark's car had broken down and we had to go pick them up. After we left VBS, Mark had not gotten his car home yet. The funny thing is, someone at the hotel had offered us a car he wanted to give to the ministry the day before. This is in the Lord's hand and we know that He will work it out.

Some of the teens were a little down before the start of VBS because they had been told by someone not to expect more than three kids. They were afraid that just a few kids who were already involved in the church would come. When they saw the people lining up to register, they were greatly encouraged. Every one who came got involved and seemed to have a good time. I am almost afraid to ask that people pray that all come back tomorrow and bring their friends and relatives. The main room where we meet was completely full. One young man while doing the hand motions to a song knocked part of a poster off the wall.

Please continue to pray for us, and as Paul Saunders said, our teens did a great job and we are very proud of them.

A few extra pictures.


Anonymous said...

God is good all the time! Remember that!! So glad to hear about all the young people that came the first evening of VBS.

Anonymous said...

One of the essentials of missions...FLEXIBILITY! I'm really proud of our team and the way they have adjusted to the "speed bumps" encountered so far. I'm praying for you guys several times daily. Serve with all your heart!
Pastor Dave

Anonymous said...

Still praying for all of you. So exciting to hear about your big group! Music look like you are doing GREAT...everyone is doing the motions with you! Lean on HIM! you....Mom

Mrs. Fletcher