This morning we gather material for VBS. The teens were up late last night sitting in the hall way making posters. They sang "One" last night and every one seemed to like learning the song. God has worked mightily already. The Haitians seem really open. Before the service ended last night we had an open prayer session. It was exciting praying this way. Not every one could understand what everyone prayed, but we all new what our hearts desired. God has no problem understanding.
Oh, by the way. Natalie, JP says Hi!
Thanks for the update so we know how to pray! Love has no language barriers and God's love is universal so His message enters through the heart!
Alicia West
Hey Matt-
Hurry home, I can't wait to look up to you.
Hey Syd! Scout misses you (so does the dirty guinea pig cage...)
We're praying for you and the team! Go get one for the Lord!!!
Dad & Mom
RE aka Sydney Guess wat we had moms brunswick stew and homemade peach cobbler and homemade icecream and u dont get any of it hahahaaha
Love ya,
Tar aka Bethany C
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