Well it is Wednesday and our week is half over. Today we divided into four groups. One went to the Jacobsen’s to do work around the house. Another group went out to paint a room for a lady. Chuck's group went to hang doors. And, the last group stayed at the church to clean up and get ready for tonight. I stayed with the cleaning group. I got to drive the van to Wal-Mart. I got lost. But, I broke the man mold and stopped for directions. I let Pat go in and ask for them. I got to drive the van to the Jacobsen’s house. I got lost again. I’m not really that bad at finding places. After what happened last night everyone was praying for tonight. I didn’t know what to expect. Some were praying for more people to show up. Some were praying that some of the older ones would get saved. All of us were praying that God would move in hearts. We did not have time to gather together and pray so everyone gathered in their groups and prayed by themselves.
Music is playing and we are just waiting. “Lord, tonight is in your hands, let your will be done.” They begin to arrive. Three together, then a boy who had only been there Monday night, then the girl who told a young man named Steven to turn off his Devil music in the church, and then more come in. The room is filling. In walks a young man and his friends. He takes his normal place over by my chair at the computer. There are 41 present! The program is in full swing now. Every one breaks up and goes to their classes. The leaders step back and watch our youth at work.
The high schoolers are outside doing games. Once again Steven is setting off to the side. Once again one of the leaders goes over and encourages him to join in the games. He finally joins in. We walk back into the building and the middle school team is out in the hall together. What’s wrong someone asks. They reply four in their group have just accepted Christ. The high school group comes out looking rather stunned. Two in their group have just accepted Christ. Steven is
one of them. The elementary group comes out and one more of their group has accepted Christ. Seven new believers now walk this earth. Now we pray for their growth and protection.
The conversation during the trip back to the hotel reflected on car washes, yard work, and working in the hot sun; how small that price paid seems now.
Please continue to pray for the team and the people who come out tomorrow.
What an encouragement! Nine new believers!
God is truly using you guys to build relationships and foster the beginnings of new life in these kids; keep up the good work! I know you are prbably getting emotionally and physically drained by now. I pray that God's strength renew you all this day for the remainder of the week!
Blessings to you all. I am very proud of you!
Rick Cobb
Tears in my eyes! Such awesome news. Praise be to God from whom all blessings flow! I know God is changing you all and you will never be the same. Be strong and of good courage.
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