Chuck and a group went to finish installing the doors. Another group went to the Jacobsen’s to do more projects. Another group stayed at the hotel to do laundry. We went to the Jacobsen’s to eat and while we were there, J P Blake caught a bass behind their house. Funny thing, I had the video camera running, but for some reason it cut off when he hooked the fish. So, you will have to ask J P how big the fish was. I did get a picture of the Cuban lizard he caught.
We got to the church and made ready for tonight. The team had every thing ready. It was a slow start. But they keep coming. Several new faces were there. The word was out. Pastor Chuck would eat a goldfish if we had fifty people, but we just didn’t make it, we only reached 42. One little boy sat in the corner with his head down. He was mad. He had wanted to stay home and watch wrestling. In the closing exercises he wanted to know when we were going to do this again.
We passed the goal for the offering. They gave over $130.00. Pastor Mark would eat a goldfish. Mark’s son Caleb would also eat one. We really wanted to see Chuck eat one, too.
The kids brake up into their groups and everything is running smoothly. Well, I thought they were running smoothly. One of the team is outside pacing back and forth. They have run out of a very important piece of material. It is the little card they use to ask them if they are saved, do they have questions, or are they ready to get saved. Pastor Mark had to run home and run off more copies. They only had ten minuets left in group time and they really needed those cards. Time was running out. Pastor Mark made it with only minutes to spare and they used the cards go through the plan of salvation and have them check if they had questions. Two young ladies, one in middle school group, the other in high school checked that they had questions. Each were taken aside and talked to. Two young ladies who happen to be sisters, one in middle school and the other in high school, accepted Christ tonight. We would like to have seen more saved, but we rejoice in those who were saved. I asked if any goals were set and JP summed it up best; all of them.
The program is coming to an end and we all gathered for the last time. Pastor Mark and Caleb ate their goldfish and even Chuck eats his. The kids huddle in the middle for the final team chant, then gather so each group can run out through the banner to face the world. Some were already saved and some are not. Our hearts go out to those who left not knowing Christ as their saver and we pray for them. But, one thing is for certain, there are eleven young people who now face what the world will throw at them with Jesus in their hearts.