Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
Wer'e Back!
The most interesting thing that happened was the little Chinese lady who was carrying a cat with her. Chuck talked to her and noticed a lot of scratches and cuts on her arms and legs. Apparently the cat that was a rather large Tom did not want to get into its traveling case. When we got on the plane, guess who was sitting in my seat. I got to sit with the cat. The travel case would not fit in the overhead and it would not fit under the seat. The flight was held up until the cat problem was fixed. The cat and its owner left the plane and $75.00 later they reentered the plane with a much smaller cat box. Aren’t airlines helpful? They are willing to sell you a $10.00 cat box that the poor car just did fit in for $75.00 so the poor animal could ride with us. Betsy Saunders asked her why she didn’t just by the cat a ticket and let it sit on the seat. She had. It cost $60.00 for the cat just to ride under the seat.
We did get to talk to her a lot on the way back. She asked if we were Baptist and we got to tell her who we were, what we were doing, and best of all what we believed and what it takes to be saved.
When we reached
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Sunday Night
Well things have finally slowed down. I finally was able to post Saturday’s update.
Chuck, Pat, and I believe Amanda went to Sunday school. Chuck to speak to the adults about what it took to get ready to put on the VBS; I believe Amanda taught the little ones. The rest of us went over after we checked out and packed the vans. Several of the kids who were at the VBS came today and Pastor Mark gave a Bible to each one who were saved during the week. There were over 60 people there today. The place was packed. The teens went aside for their own lesson when Pastor Mark was ready to preach. Today’s service was not in English.
We got to the hotel and finally all the rooms were ready. Some of us had to wait 45 minutes for our room to be ready. We have a rather nice view out our window. Hopefully everyone will get plenty of rest tonight. I really doubt that they will. The Jacobsen’s were invited to stay at the Hotel with us. A group of us walked down to Bubba Gump’s to eat. I have never eaten there before.
This will probably be the last post until we get home. Please continue to pray for us as we make our way to the airport. Pray that there will be no hiccups along the way. Several of the group have colds. Pray that God give healing and comfort as we fly.
We miss our loved ones and will be home soon. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read the updates. I am greatly humbled to have had this opportunity. Thank you for your prayers and comments. The comments made were very important to us. By them, we knew that you were watching and praying for us. Goodbye for now, God bless, and we will see you tomorrow. (Link to Pictures)
Satuday's Events
Today we went back to the church to finish cleaning. Chuck, J P, and Paul went to finish hanging the doors. The last one was wrong so they were not able to finish. About
Afterwards we went to the Jacobsen’s and had supper there. J P caught a really big carp. The only picture I got was of its tail after J P lost his grip on it and it slithered back into the canal. John Bedford caught two turtles.
After all this excitement, The Mark and his wife gave their testimony. The team was greatly moved by it. After that, we returned to the hotel where we have to get ready to check out and be at the church by
Saturday, June 30, 2007
VBS final
Chuck and a group went to finish installing the doors. Another group went to the Jacobsen’s to do more projects. Another group stayed at the hotel to do laundry. We went to the Jacobsen’s to eat and while we were there, J P Blake caught a bass behind their house. Funny thing, I had the video camera running, but for some reason it cut off when he hooked the fish. So, you will have to ask J P how big the fish was. I did get a picture of the Cuban lizard he caught.
We got to the church and made ready for tonight. The team had every thing ready. It was a slow start. But they keep coming. Several new faces were there. The word was out. Pastor Chuck would eat a goldfish if we had fifty people, but we just didn’t make it, we only reached 42. One little boy sat in the corner with his head down. He was mad. He had wanted to stay home and watch wrestling. In the closing exercises he wanted to know when we were going to do this again.
We passed the goal for the offering. They gave over $130.00. Pastor Mark would eat a goldfish. Mark’s son Caleb would also eat one. We really wanted to see Chuck eat one, too.
The kids brake up into their groups and everything is running smoothly. Well, I thought they were running smoothly. One of the team is outside pacing back and forth. They have run out of a very important piece of material. It is the little card they use to ask them if they are saved, do they have questions, or are they ready to get saved. Pastor Mark had to run home and run off more copies. They only had ten minuets left in group time and they really needed those cards. Time was running out. Pastor Mark made it with only minutes to spare and they used the cards go through the plan of salvation and have them check if they had questions. Two young ladies, one in middle school group, the other in high school checked that they had questions. Each were taken aside and talked to. Two young ladies who happen to be sisters, one in middle school and the other in high school, accepted Christ tonight. We would like to have seen more saved, but we rejoice in those who were saved. I asked if any goals were set and JP summed it up best; all of them.
The program is coming to an end and we all gathered for the last time. Pastor Mark and Caleb ate their goldfish and even Chuck eats his. The kids huddle in the middle for the final team chant, then gather so each group can run out through the banner to face the world. Some were already saved and some are not. Our hearts go out to those who left not knowing Christ as their saver and we pray for them. But, one thing is for certain, there are eleven young people who now face what the world will throw at them with Jesus in their hearts.
Friday, June 29, 2007
The 3 year to 3rd grade group.
The high school group.
Thursday night update
We again thank you for your many prayers. We have seen the results of those prayers time and time again. And, we will continue seeing the results as we continue.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Wednesday night
The conversation during the trip back to the hotel reflected on car washes, yard work, and working in the hot sun; how small that price paid seems now.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tuesday Night
Monday, June 25, 2007
Monday night
Some of the teens were a little down before the start of VBS because they had been told by someone not to expect more than three kids. They were afraid that just a few kids who were already involved in the church would come. When they saw the people lining up to register, they were greatly encouraged. Every one who came got involved and seemed to have a good time. I am almost afraid to ask that people pray that all come back tomorrow and bring their friends and relatives. The main room where we meet was completely full. One young man while doing the hand motions to a song knocked part of a poster off the wall.
Please continue to pray for us, and as Paul Saunders said, our teens did a great job and we are very proud of them.
A few extra pictures.
Monday Morning
This morning we gather material for VBS. The teens were up late last night sitting in the hall way making posters. They sang "One" last night and every one seemed to like learning the song. God has worked mightily already. The Haitians seem really open. Before the service ended last night we had an open prayer session. It was exciting praying this way. Not every one could understand what everyone prayed, but we all new what our hearts desired. God has no problem understanding.
Oh, by the way. Natalie, JP says Hi!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
What a wondeful day.
Sunday Morning
Well, we made it. Chuck and JP to fly down around 5:00. When we left at 8:00 they were still waiting for their flight. They were to get the vans because we would get here about 10 minutes before they close. When we reached Atlanta, Chuck and JP were waiting for us. When we reached Fort Lauderdale, they had to run to rent the vans. We were just a little bit early and they made it. We got to the hotel about 2:00. Over all it was a good trip. No problems during the flight and no luggage lost. And we didn't lose anyone! The beds are very nice. We are now having breakfast and getting ready for church.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
The Trip Begins
Friday, June 15, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Strange break out
Saturday, June 2, 2007
The Fund Raising Continues
Monday, May 21, 2007
2007 Car-b-que
The mission team just finished its part in the 3rd Annual Car-b-que.
All of the team members worked really hard and we are very proud of
them. Thanks also to the parents who helped out with the cooking and
serving of food. This was a very successful afternoon for the mission team. The Car-b-que was a great opportunity to talk with people who have never been to our church. It was exciting just watching various individuals off to the side talking together with our visitors. My son and I were very happy to see a friend that he invited at the show and were thrilled when his motorcycle won first place. Thanks to all who came out to support this event. If you click on Car-b-que it will take you to all of the Car-b-que pictures.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Taco Dinner
A special thanks to the parents and kids who worked very hard to make this diner work. Some of the parents showed skills that we did not know they had. Many of the middle and high school youth also helped out. We are really proud of how our youth are more than willing to help out with ministries like this. Some of them have already been on a summer mission trip and others are too young to go. Hang in there guys, soon enough you will be old enough and we look forward to that time when you can also go.
Friday, May 4, 2007
A memory from a trip gone by
Mexico 2005
You took me to a place I didn’t want to go.
You put people in my life I didn’t want to know.
You put me to a task I didn’t want to do.
You did all of this to point me back to you.
I gave you my heart and you changed my passion.
I gave you my feet and you changed my direction.
I gave you my life-you took it and ran.
Now I’m right where I should be-secure in your hand.
So take me where I don’t wanna go
Show me the people I don’t wanna know.
Make me do what I’m scared to do-
If that’s what it takes to keep me close to you.
Show me how to be YOU to the hurting.
I want more of you and less of me.
I know that it's only with you that I am anything-
I wanna live my life with you in the lead.
By Cindy Warren
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Spring Fling
We held our Spring Fling Saturday and had a lot of fun. I don't know how many people were there, but we gave away over 400 free hot dogs and over 600 cans of soda. We also had drawings where we gave away 4 bicycles. We had a rock climbing wall, inflatable rides, pony rides, police dog demonstration, and games of skill. It had rained the night before, but that just added to the fun of the hay ride. Where else can kids have a hay ride and go muding at the same time?
Friday, April 27, 2007
Day 2
This is the second day after starting this blog. I had to start over. I forgot to remember my settings to log in to my original one.
Saturday April 28 we are having our Spring fling at Denbigh Baptist Church. Everything is free. It runs from 3:00 to 6:00. We have several games to play and rides to ride and all the food is free. I pray we have a sunny day. It's a lot of work, but it is a lot of fun.
Join with us in prayer, praise, and worship as we get ready for our Summer Missions Trip to a Haitian church in South Florida.
We are only able to take 15 teens this year and need to raise $19,000 for this trip.
Our first big fund raising event will be our Car-b-que on May 20 from 2:00 to 6:00 at our church. Admission is free and open to all.