Monday, January 16, 2012

Making soup

Saturday, January 14, the youth and a few of the leaders spent the afternoon making chicken soup and cookies to take to the shut ins from our church. They had a rather interesting time learning to prepare the ingredients from scratch.  I doubt that any of them have ever cut up and boned a chicken before.

After we got everything ready, we divided into three groups and delivered the soup, cookies, and a hand written encouragement card.  The kids would go up to the door and make the delivery.  We would wait for a while, then got tell them they had to move onto the next house or we would never get done.  Several of the kids want to go back and just spend time talking to the people.

It is very hard to say who got the most out of the experience.  Whether it were the kids, the people they visited, or the leaders, who can say?  I am very proud of our kids. 

Check out the rest of the pictures

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