Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
Wer'e Back!

The most interesting thing that happened was the little Chinese lady who was carrying a cat with her. Chuck talked to her and noticed a lot of scratches and cuts on her arms and legs. Apparently the cat that was a rather large Tom did not want to get into its traveling case. When we got on the plane, guess who was sitting in my seat. I got to sit with the cat. The travel case would not fit in the overhead and it would not fit under the seat. The flight was held up until the cat problem was fixed. The cat and its owner left the plane and $75.00 later they reentered the plane with a much smaller cat box. Aren’t airlines helpful? They are willing to sell you a $10.00 cat box that the poor car just did fit in for $75.00 so the poor animal could ride with us. Betsy Saunders asked her why she didn’t just by the cat a ticket and let it sit on the seat. She had. It cost $60.00 for the cat just to ride under the seat.
We did get to talk to her a lot on the way back. She asked if we were Baptist and we got to tell her who we were, what we were doing, and best of all what we believed and what it takes to be saved.
When we reached helped her get her belongings into the terminal. When the Saunders and I were leaving she was getting into the car behind us and we got to say goodbye to her. It was really a nice ending to a wonderful trip. We had one more opportunity to help someone and to tell them about Jesus. I don’t know if I should ask prayer for the poor cat or not. Once again thank you for all of your support and prayers. It is good to be home. (Final pictures)
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Sunday Night

Well things have finally slowed down. I finally was able to post Saturday’s update.
Chuck, Pat, and I believe Amanda went to Sunday school. Chuck to speak to the adults about what it took to get ready to put on the VBS; I believe Amanda taught the little ones. The rest of us went over after we checked out and packed the vans. Several of the kids who were at the VBS came today and Pastor Mark gave a Bible to each one who were saved during the week. There were over 60 people there today. The place was packed. The teens went aside for their own lesson when Pastor Mark was ready to preach. Today’s service was not in English.
We got to the hotel and finally all the rooms were ready. Some of us had to wait 45 minutes for our room to be ready. We have a rather nice view out our window. Hopefully everyone will get plenty of rest tonight. I really doubt that they will. The Jacobsen’s were invited to stay at the Hotel with us. A group of us walked down to Bubba Gump’s to eat. I have never eaten there before.
This will probably be the last post until we get home. Please continue to pray for us as we make our way to the airport. Pray that there will be no hiccups along the way. Several of the group
have colds. Pray that God give healing and comfort as we fly.
We miss our loved ones and will be home soon. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read the updates. I am greatly humbled to have had this opportunity. Thank you for your prayers and comments. The comments made were very important to us. By them, we knew that you were watching and praying for us. Goodbye for now, God bless, and we will see you tomorrow. (Link to Pictures)
Satuday's Events

Today we went back to the church to finish cleaning. Chuck, J P, and Paul went to finish hanging the doors. The last one was wrong so they were not able to finish. About
Afterwards we went to the Jacobsen’s and had supper there. J P caught a really big carp. The only picture I got was of its tail after J P lost his grip on it and it slithered back into the canal. John Bedford caught two turtles.
After all this excitement, The Mark and his wife gave their testimony. The team was greatly moved by it. After that, we returned to the hotel where we have to get ready to check out and be at the church by