Mexico 2005
You took me to a place I didn’t want to go.
You put people in my life I didn’t want to know.
You put me to a task I didn’t want to do.
You did all of this to point me back to you.
I gave you my heart and you changed my passion.
I gave you my feet and you changed my direction.
I gave you my life-you took it and ran.
Now I’m right where I should be-secure in your hand.
So take me where I don’t wanna go
Show me the people I don’t wanna know.
Make me do what I’m scared to do-
If that’s what it takes to keep me close to you.
Show me how to be YOU to the hurting.
I want more of you and less of me.
I know that it's only with you that I am anything-
I wanna live my life with you in the lead.
By Cindy Warren